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Writer's pictureBrother Levon X

Black and Global Network: Empowering Our Businesses with Access to Capital Townhall Meeting!

Entrepreneurs Town Hall Meeting

It's always good to have someone passionate and gifted share what they have in their hearts with the masses when it comes to wanting for my brothers and sisters what we would want for ourselves. That's the spirit Sister Melissa Muhammad had when she taught a wealth of knowledge on economics at the Entrepreneur Town meeting. Sister Melissa is an international tax attorney who specializes in helping international businesses operate worldwide.

She is the founder of the Black and Global Business Network. With 20 years of experience, she taught local businesses to think on a larger scale. Sister Melissa's travels have shown her that business doesn't have to stay local; if we think big and dream big, big things happen for those who are wide awake to the open fields God has given us to explore.

At the town meeting, the power of inspiration was palpable. Many entrepreneurs, eager to learn and grow, discovered the potential of their products on a global scale. This realization, sparked by inspiration, is a powerful reminder that we are not confined to a box. With the right mindset, we can achieve our dreams of wealth and happiness, and share our success with the world.

The beauty of the black community is that we are loaded with talent, and sometimes it takes a little inspiration to take the initiative to take what God has given us and be prosperous with it, as long as it's done in righteousness and with the good intent of helping the masses. We should never let anyone talk us out of our dreams of building a business because many people regret not pursuing a dream that belonged to them. No one stops us from being great, and that's one of the messages Sister Melissa shared: that the world is moving forward, and they are moving out on what God has given them; they can also do the same.

All of us have the right to those inspirations, but it's going to take the work to achieve them. Nothing is done overnight, and we have to have the courage and the right spirit when becoming entrepreneurs. Being an entrepreneur is a lifestyle, not a hobby; it takes dedication, research, and application. One of the main factors is that we must have the ability to believe in ourselves and succeed, no matter the obstacles that come before us.

Podcast Lecture

Obstacles in business are nothing but a learning curve to know what to do and not to do in certain circumstances, but this is why we have those in the business field to be the best teachers to help us avoid some of those unfortunate mistakes. Dealing with economics is very important for our community. It is important that those who have made it should come back and teach how to be successful; it only opens up bigger doors for those who give back, and that is a universal law.

The meeting itself taught what group economics could look like when we come together and put our resources for the betterment of everyone. Group economics is like having a sports team where everybody plays a position for the team to prosper. When everyone does their part for the team's betterment, everyone wins, and that was the spirit we were teaching during this beautiful town hall meeting.

The meeting was filled with laughs and good times, and people felt good leaving the event knowing they had homework to do that would benefit themselves and their businesses. When you listen to the podcast attached to this blog, you find the wealth of knowledge. Please share the information with those looking to be entrepreneurs. Always believe in yourself; never give up; quitting should never be an option.

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