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Writer's pictureBrother Levon X

"Black on Black crime" and white supremacy result in tragic loss of life. What's the difference between the 2?

"All we have to do is return home and turn our communities into productive places. All we have to do is go back home and make our communities a decent and safe place to live. And if we start dotting the black community with businesses opening up factories, challenging ourselves to be better than we are white folk instead of driving by using the N-word, they'll say, look, look at them. Oh my God, They're marvelous. They're wonderful. We can't say they're inferior."

- The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Million Man March-

Examples of crimes include theft, burglary, assault, robbery, murder, fraud, drug trafficking, and prostitution.

Within the Black community, there may be an emphasis on cultural and social accountability, including holding individuals accountable for actions that harm the community or perpetuate negative stereotypes. This may involve community-based interventions, counseling, mentoring, or other forms of support to promote personal growth and positive behavior change.

Addressing "black-on-black crime and violence" requires comprehensive strategies that address root causes such as poverty, lack of opportunities, and systemic racism. It includes investing in education, economic development, community empowerment, and criminal justice reform. "Black on black crime": Intra-community violence contributes to a cycle of trauma, fear, and instability within marginalized communities. It undermines community cohesion and perpetuates negative stereotypes about African American communities.

White supremacy has deep historical roots and continues to manifest in various forms, including structural racism within institutions. It perpetuates inequalities in areas such as education, employment, housing, and criminal justice, contributing to the marginalization and oppression of non-white communities. White supremacist violence is motivated by hate, bigotry, and a desire to maintain power and privilege. It targets individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, or perceived identity.

What's the difference between white supremacy, black-on-black crime and violence including self hate when both of the behaviors have the same motives? Both ideologies are the causes of the destruction within the black community. Self-hate is a real psychological disorder within the black community taught through the cycle of years under chattel enslavement.

Within Black communities, colorism—a form of discrimination based on skin color—has perpetuated hierarchies and divisions, with lighter-skinned individuals often receiving preferential treatment over darker-skinned individuals. Hatred amongst class and wealth plays a huge role in self-hatred. This dynamic can lead to internalized racism, where individuals internalize negative stereotypes about their own racial or ethnic group.

Violence isn't necessarily done by gun offense. Racism within the entertainment industry plays a huge role in keeping self-hated in the minds of those in urban communities. Specific lyrics and movie portrayals glorify violence, substance abuse, and materialism, potentially perpetuating harmful stereotypes and influencing behavior.

Black men and black women are disproportionately represented in the prison population. Structural inequalities, including systemic racism in policing, sentencing, and the criminal justice system, contribute to these disparities. Policies such as mandatory minimum sentences and the war on drugs have disproportionately targeted Black communities, leading to higher rates of incarceration. There are similarities between the modern prison system in the United States and historical slave plantations, particularly concerning issues of control, exploitation, and racial disparities.

Both prison and slave plantation systems exhibit significant racial disparities. In the context of slavery, Black people were disproportionately enslaved and subjected to inhumane treatment. Similarly, Black Americans are disproportionately represented in the modern prison population due to systemic racism in policing, sentencing, and the criminal justice system.

The idea of separatism and self-reliance as a means of addressing systemic racism and improving conditions within the Black community has been discussed and debated throughout history. The black community is responsible for fixing its problems. The black community thrived during segregation. The black community had less violence, more marriages, more businesses, and a banking system. Every nationality is segregated to some degree to survive.

Black communities should prioritize building self-sufficient institutions and economic structures to reduce reliance on systems that perpetuate racism and inequality. It may involve initiatives such as supporting Black-owned businesses, community organizing, and investing in education and entrepreneurship within Black communities.

The pursuit of racial justice requires ongoing dialogue, activism, and collective action to dismantle systemic racism and create a more just and equitable society. The community must separate itself from white supremacy ideology at all costs.

Acknowledging and addressing the historical trauma inflicted upon the Black community, including slavery, segregation, and ongoing systemic racism, is crucial for fostering healing and resilience. Self-love can serve as a tool for healing intergenerational wounds and reclaiming agency in adversity. Embracing and celebrating Black culture, history, and heritage are central to fostering self-love and empowerment within the community. It includes promoting positive representations of Black identity in media, literature, and the arts and supporting cultural institutions and initiatives that preserve and promote Black heritage.

Separatism has historical roots in movements such as Black nationalism and Pan-Africanism, emphasizing the importance of Black self-reliance, solidarity, and cultural pride. Leaders such as Marcus Garvey, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and the Nation of Islam advocated for various forms of separatism as a means of resisting white supremacy and promoting Black liberation is a major plan that should be taken into consideration. Black liberation doesn't mean hatred towards others; it's using intelligence to survive against a system that doesn't always have the black community's best interest.

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