Have you ever wondered why Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world? The word Islam means peace, and a Muslim is simply someone who submits to the will of God. In Islam, we call God Allah, but there are 99 beautiful names that describe His attributes. No matter what language people speak or what religion they follow, there is only one God who created everything. Every prophet, whether in the Qur’an or the Bible, submitted to this one true God.
Many people don’t realize that Islam is not an Arab religion—it is a way of life. The last prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him), was given the Qur’an, which is a guidance for all people, just like the Bible. As a student of the Nation of Islam, we have been blessed to study the teachings of Master Fard Muhammad and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, under the guidance of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Through this learning, we have come to understand who we are, our purpose, and the deep connection between science, mathematics, and religion.
Many Black men and women in America were robbed of their names, culture, and way of life during slavery. One of the first things enslavers did was take away Islam from the Africans who practiced it. Why? Because a person who submits to God alone cannot be controlled by another human being. A true Muslim knows that no man has power over him—only God does. This is why enslaved Muslims were forced to abandon Islam and accept a false version of Christianity, one that taught them to see their oppressors as gods. But today, we are waking up and realizing the truth about who we are.
Islam and Mathematics: The Formula for Truth
One of the most powerful lessons we learn in Islam is that God is a God of knowledge, logic, and order. That’s why Islam and mathematics go hand in hand. Mathematics is the language of the universe—everything in life follows rules, formulas, and patterns.
Some people say, “What does God have to do with science and math?” But let’s think about this:
When you do math problems, you must follow the order of operations (multiplication, division, addition, subtraction). If you don’t follow these rules, you get the wrong answer.
Life works the same way! If we follow God’s divine laws, we will find answers and solutions to our problems. But if we ignore these laws, we end up in confusion and chaos. Today, we live in a world that is filled with disorder, and as a result, we see violence, corruption, and confusion at every level of society. Why? Because we are not following the natural and divine laws that God set for us. Disorder is the very opposite of order.
According to The Restrictive Law of Islam The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, teaches motion is the first law and a sign of life, and law governs motion. Everything in the universe moves according to a set order which is the second law—the planets orbit the sun, the seasons change, and even our own bodies follow natural laws like gravity and time.
And here’s something amazing: Even the number zero has a lesson in it. By itself, zero is nothing. But when you place the number one before it, it has value. This teaches us that without God (the One), we are nothing. When we put God first, our lives have meaning and power.
The Quran and Science: A Book of Knowledge
The Quran is not just a religious book—it is also a book of science and mathematics. Even though it was revealed 1,400 years ago, it contains facts about human development, astronomy, and nature that modern scientists only recently discovered!
For example, let’s look at what the Quran says about human creation:
The Qur’an says: "Let man think about what he was created from! He was created from a fluid that is ejected, coming from between the backbone and the ribs." (86:5-7)
At first, this might sound like the Qur’an is saying sperm comes from the back and ribs, which doesn’t seem to make sense. But science shows that:
Sperm is produced in the testicles, but the process begins in the brain.
Special glands in the brain and lower abdomen send signals for sperm production.
The seminal vesicles and prostate (which help sperm travel) are located between the spine and ribs.
Conclusion: The Quran isn’t saying sperm physically comes from the spine, but that the process starts in that region—which is scientifically accurate!
How Does the Qur’an Describe Baby Growth?
The Qur’an says: "We made man from a drop of fluid, then turned it into something that clings. Then it became a tiny lump. Then We made the lump into bones and covered the bones with flesh." (23:12-14)
Doctors today have confirmed that babies grow in stages:
First, the sperm and egg join together.
Then, the baby attaches inside the mother’s womb—just like the Qur’an describes.
It grows into a small lump before its bones form.
Bones develop first, then muscles and flesh grow around them—exactly as the Quran says.
This information was discovered by scientists in the 20th century, but the Qur’an described it over 1,400 years ago!
Did the Qur’an Say Sperm and Egg Mix?
The Qur’an says: "We created man from a drop of mixed fluid." (76:2)
Modern science confirms that a baby starts when sperm and egg mix together—a process called fertilization. But this wasn’t discovered until the 1800s. The Qur’an already stated this fact long before scientists figured it out!
Final Thoughts: Why This Matters
When we study the Qur’an with an open mind, we realize that:
Islam is based on logic, knowledge, and truth—not blind faith.
Science and mathematics prove the existence of God, because everything follows an orderly pattern.
The Quran describes human development in a way that matches modern science—even though it was revealed long before today’s technology.
This is why the Nation of Islam teaches us to study both the Qur’an and the Bible with intelligence. Many preachers today can’t explain these truths because they were not taught the scientific side of scripture. But when we learn from true teachers, like the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Louis Farrakhan, we gain real understanding.
The truth is simple: God is real, and His laws govern everything. When we follow those laws, we gain power, purpose, and success. This is why Islam is the fastest-growing religion—because it gives people knowledge, not just belief.
We are grateful for the opportunity to learn about this faith, and we pray that our journey brings us closer to truth and righteousness. Our intention is to learn and grow in knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
Citations & References:
The Qur’an – Surahs 86:5-7, 23:12-14, 76:2
Master Fard Muhammad "The Supreme Wisdom Lessons. Problem 13 Mathematics is Islam and Islam is Mathematics"
Elijah Muhammad. Message to the Blackman in America. Muhammad’s Temple No. 2, 1965.
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan "The Restrictive Law Of Islam
Embryology & Development – Keith L. Moore, The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology
Islam & Science – Dr. Maurice Bucaille, The Bible, The Qur’an, and Science