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Writer's pictureBrother Levon X

"Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross" The Price of being Christ-like

The story of Jesus ( Yeshua / Isa), regardless of one's religious background, offers profound insights into courage, compassion, and moral strength. In today's climate, how many of us have that courage? Why does standing up for freedom, justice, and equality come at a price? 

Jesus challenged injustice, and those seeking to follow his example may confront societal injustices. Speaking out against oppression or advocating for the marginalized may require courage in the face of potential backlash. Many aspects of Jesus' teachings go against the grain of a culture prioritizing success, power, and individual achievement. Choosing a path of love, service, and compassion may counter societal norms.

Christ-like virtues often involve vulnerability—being open, empathetic, and willing to share in the suffering of others. This requires courage because it means opening oneself to the potential for pain, rejection, or misunderstanding.

The phrase "carry your cross" is derived from a statement made by Jesus in the Bible. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says," Matthew 16:24, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow me. "

The metaphor of carrying one's cross is often understood as a symbol of self-sacrifice, commitment, and willingness to endure hardship to follow Jesus. In the historical context, the cross was an instrument of execution, so The region where Jesus lived was under Roman occupation, and the Jewish religious leaders were cautious not to provoke the Roman authorities. Jesus' growing popularity and his association with the title "Messiah" could have raised concerns among both Jewish and Roman leaders., challenges, and even persecution for the sake of one's faith and commitment to Jesus.

In a broader sense, carrying one's cross is about surrendering one's will, desires, and comfort for the higher purpose of following Jesus and living according to his teachings. It signifies a commitment to discipleship, selflessness, and obedience to God's will, even in adversity.

Jesus showed concern for the marginalized and oppressed. He associated with tax collectors, sinners, and other social outcasts, challenging societal norms and demonstrating the importance of compassion and inclusion. Jesus emphasized ethical and moral behavior, such as the Golden Rule Matthew 7:12:" So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

 "Mark 12:31 says," to love one's neighbor as oneself." These teachings imply a commitment to justice, fairness, and equality in human interactions. Jesus' teachings emphasized the equality of all individuals before God. He often challenged societal hierarchies and demonstrated that everyone, regardless of social status or background, had value in the eyes of God.

If Jesus did good things for the people, why did they turn on him?

The role of Judas Iscariot in betraying Jesus highlights the presence of internal conflicts and betrayal among those close to him. Internal conflicts, betrayal, or shifts in loyalty can also be challenges for modern leaders. Maintaining a united front among supporters is crucial for success.

 The region where Jesus lived was under Roman occupation, and the Jewish religious leaders were cautious not to provoke the Roman authorities. Jesus' growing popularity and association with the title "Messiah" could have raised concerns among Jewish and Roman leaders., particularly the Pharisees and Sadducees. His criticism of their practices and his popularity among the people threatened their influence. 

Today's Leaders challenging the existing power structures may encounter resistance from those who benefit from the status quo. Powerful entities may perceive such leaders as threats to their interests. 

Jesus fearlessly spoke truth to religious and political authorities, regardless of the potential consequences. Even when unpopular, his commitment to truth and justice is a testament to courage. Following Christ's example often means living a purpose-driven life centered around serving others and seeking the community's well-being. This may require stepping away from a purely self-centered pursuit of personal success.

How many of us will pick up our cross to be Christ-like in a world of social media and unjust practices? Addressing social injustice and standing against societal norms may require courage and resilience. Individuals willing to face criticism or opposition for the sake of justice demonstrate a commitment to Christ-like values.

Individuals within supportive communities, religious or otherwise, may find strength and encouragement to live out Christ-like principles. Community support can be instrumental in facing the challenges of taking a stand against injustice.

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